Tuesday, 23 February 2010


I apologise for the lack of activity on this here internet thing, but unfortunately it accurately reflects what has been a prolonged period of doing not much. The last couple of months seem to have passed a little too quickly, reminding me that I might only have a finite amount of time to enjoy and explore this interesting wee landmass, and making me worry that I will regret not having done more.

However, some things have been done in the last couple of months. I have had quite a few great days paddling with Stornoway Canoe Club, getting more comfortable on the water with each trip and making the most of learning in an often challenging environment with the support of great people. I didn't think I would be, but I have to admit to being slightly less enthusiastic about surfing when it's so cold - it's fine when you're in the water (as the sea temperature is normally around 8 degrees C) but getting into the wetsuit is always a bit of a struggle. I went out for my first hill run in a long time last week, finally venturing into the hills of North Harris and being rewarded with great weather and breathtaking views of a wind-less Loch Langhabhat. I ended up sitting around looking at the view more than running I think, but it was a reminder that once you get out the door, action is always easier than you thought it to be.

ON THE ART SIDE OF THINGS, I have just been awarded funding from the Scottish Arts Council through Hi-Arts, the funding body for Highlands and Islands. The money will be used to help finance my exhibition and travel costs for
New Contemporaries at the RSA in April, as well as to purchase new photographic bits and pieces. I am hoping to really push my photography in the coming months, and get back to developing my own films, etc. This funding will be a huge boost, not only financially but psychologically, and I'm already starting to feel tentatively more enthusiastic about getting to work on new stuff.

The last six months have served to remind me of the importance of other humans in my work - without viewer to engage with, peers to converse with, dreamers to dream with and schemers to scheme with it becomes a lot harder for me to work, which is funny because as far as I can remember I spent most of my time at ECA trying to work out ways to get away from people and art. Perhaps that's where the energy required for production lies - in the perpetual re-negotiations of interaction with others.

Anyway, there is snow on the ground, the sun is shining, the nights are shorter and I'm not working for another 3 days, so I'd better get on and do something!
As always visitors, phone callers, letter-writers and skypers are more than welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - good to hear you 'talking' again . ..

